Monday, May 18, 2009

Post by Joshua Seth

Time Management Tips

By Joshua Seth |

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Before I give you these three powerful time management tips, have you thought about why people need to manage their time effectively in the first place? Why can’t we just get everything done that we need to do on a daily basis instead of letting things pile up and get out of control?

Well if you’re like more people, it’s because you procrastinate. You put things off til later and later never comes, or when it does you’re too overwhelmed to deal with things proactively and end up with your head in your hands swimming in a pool of self pity and exasperation.

There is a better way. A simple solution that you can use to get control of your life, take advantage of new opportunities, and enjoy peace of mind. It’s called taking action.

The Biggest Obstacle To Success

One of the biggest obstacles to success in life is procrastination. Literally hundreds of book shave been written on the subject. I’m convinced that people spend more time reading about how to stop procrastinating than actually getting things done.

All that research is adding to your list of things to do and your general feeling of overwhelm. Let me simplify the situation and get right to the heart of the matter.

You put things off for two reasons:

1. You haven’t put systems into place that will raise your efficiency; therefore, when you’re sitting at your desk, staring at a pile of papers you don’t know what do and end up doing very little.

2. On a subconscious level you don’t think of yourself as a person who “gets things done”; therefore, you manifest behaviors that reenforce your perception of yourself.

So it all comes down to knowing what to do and having the correct mental programming that will motivate you to do it.

Let’s start with “what to do” and then I’ll share with you “how to do it”.
3 Time Management Tips to Create an Efficient Productivity System
Overcoming procrastination and becoming a more productive person is much easier when you know efficient ways to accomplish your tasks.

1. Minimize repetitive tasks. Only check email twice a day. Only pay bills twice a month.

2. Sort things into 3 piles before you start to work. The three piles are:

• File what you’ll need to refer to later
• Trash what you don’t need at all
• Tasks are the things that are left

Do your tasks after you’ve done your sorting and you work will seem much less overwhelming.

To see an example of this method in action, watch this video on bill paying & speed reading magazines.

3. Keep your To Do lists short and simple. Write down the most important things to each day on a Post-It Note and then do them before any of your other work. By doing your most important work first each day, you will become more productive with less time and effort.

Subconscious Reprogramming

It’s not enough to know “what to do” you must also condition yourself to actually do it. You could try to use willpower to force yourself to put these time management tips into action. But that never lasts very long. A much better way to create permanent behavior change is to actually reprogram your thinking so you do things effortlessly and automatically.

I find self hypnosis to be a very effective to reframe your mindset and reduce the stress in your life at the same time. It works like this: if you think of yourself as a productive person who has an easy time handling any tasks that come your way you will take anxiety out of the equation and find it much easier to do more in less time. Simple, right.

Subconsciously you will want to get things done, so you won’t need to motivate yourself to do the work. You will feel compelled to take action now because of all the good feelings it creates when you get things done.

The problem is, most people don’t know how to use self hypnosis to get these results and actually going to a good hypnotist can very expensive, if they even know how to deal with this specific issue at all.

I’ve Already Done All The Work For You

I have developed a complete time management self hypnosis system designed to help you overcome procrastination, manage your time better, and get things done. Right now it even includes a bonus DVD with 21 time management tips I’ve put together that have the potential to totally revolutionize your quality of life and make you a happier, more successful, more productive person.

Discover how to Take Action Now and learn how easy it can be to…

Joshua Seth presents Time Management Tips posted at Joshua Seth Blog.

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